
As far as thrillers go, I thought that Martha Marcy May Marlene had already established itself as one of the year’s bests.  That was of course, before I saw Take Shelter.  Both films I found to be fresh and unsettling takes on the indie thriller, but while MMMM draws its creepiness from its subtlety, Take Shelter does not pulls its punches.

            Take Shelter depicts the story of Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon, Boardwalk Empire, Revolutionary Road), a hard working man from a small town.  His life seems to be humming along with a steady job and a loving family including his caring wife Samantha (Jessica Chastain, Tree of Life, The Help).  However, things start to unravel when Curtis begins to be tortured by a series of apocalyptic visions of the future.  His visions are so powerful he begins to take alienate his friends and family, only being able to seek refuge in building a storm shelter.

            Shannon delivers a performance sure to be Oscar worthy.  His paranoia oozes out of his body and our stomachs are completely tied in knots for the whole movie.  He portrays a man that is ticking bomb, and we are enthralled to see when he is bound to combust.  His performance is perfectly off set by Chastain’s warming and loving portrayal of Curtis’s wife.  While Shannon becomes colder and more introverted as the movie persists, Chastain becomes the soul of the movie, desperately trying to keep her husband, and family together.  Chastain makes us not only sympathize with a man on the brink of sanity, but also his caring family. 

            Director Jeff Nichols does not care for letting his audience breathe. We can see the twists coming, but Nichol’s editing still delivers gut punching blows and increased heart rates.  There is a good balance between shocking visuals as well as a portrait of a man slowly falling into the darkness of his own paranoia.  I will admit that the writing does not feel organic at points, but Nichol’s direction and powerful performances will leave you feeling paranoid and disturbed.  After seeing Take Shelter, you might have to (put sunglasses on) take shelter. 

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